We are going to look at this summary through a few lens. The First lens is Seasons. The Second lens is level of Play and the Third lens is Additional Activities.
SEASONS - We have two primary soccer Seasons in the Spring and Fall each year. Each season has a duration of about 8-11 weeks depending upon the program. The full details for the programming in each season can be found in the yearly program summaries:
- Fall Recreational Soccer (mid August through mid November) Learn More... Fall2022
- Spring Recreational Soccer (mid February through early May) Learn More... Spring2022
In addition to the different Seasons there are also different levels of Play for players during their soccer journey with LNYSA. The Recreational Program is the first level of Play and supports different ages i.e Divisions. This program starts with players from 3 years of age in the Under 5 (U5) Division, commonly known as the Mini-Kickers. The Recreational Program then supports various age groups such as U6, U7, U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and lastly U19.
The next step in the development pathway is called the Select Soccer program. It starts at U9 and goes through to U16. Learn More...
The next step in the development pathway is known as our Club Soccer Program branded as LUFC starting from U8 through to U19. Within the Club Program there are additional levels of play (Tiers) Tier 4, Tier3, Tier2, Tier1 and Academy as illustrated in the picture below. Learn More...

SELECT SOCCER LEVEL OF PLAY- (formerly called Signature) - Select teams play competitive games throughout Orange County (typically half of the games in Laguna Niguel). The teams are formed based on the last season roster and new tryouts held in March. The practices start in mid of July, the season games are planned for early September through mid of December.
CLUB SOCCER LEVEL OF PLAY - There are multiple levels of play in Club Soccer. teams play compete with other teams from their Tier - Our goal is to teach a consistent, unified soccer and leadership style, and to ensure players learn to have passion and camaraderie for their club, their teammates, and for the game. Soccer is a beautiful game of passing, movement, and decision-making that also reinforces leadership, teamwork, and other positive attributes in developing minds.
In addition to these Seasons and levels of Play, we also support a number of additional activities such as Camps, Skills Clinics, Personal Training and Pick Up Games (coming soon)
CAMPS - We operate camps at least four times a year around Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter. Join the largest soccer League around, staffed by professional coaches for our high energy soccer camp experience in Laguna Niguel. We offer a camp experience you don't want to miss! The Camps typically run from 9am in the morning to midday. Learn More...
SKILLS CLINICS - During the Spring & Fall we host age specific skills clinics for players to help them pick up new skills in a fun , supportive environment. They learn new skills and get to hang out with friends! These sessions are typically 60 minutes during the week for 6 weeks during the Spring & Fall Season. Learn More...
PERSONAL TRAINING - If you are looking for Personal Soccer Training either 1-on-1 with one of our vetted US Soccer licensed professional Coaches or in a small group environment (Duo, Trio, Quartet) you can book these sessions below by clicking on one of the listed Professional Coaches. Our Personal training sessions combine fun with fitness to elevate your players soccer skills during the 45-60 minute session. Learn More...
COMMUNITY EVENTS - In addition to the Seasonal play and Additional Activities we support a number of Community events from Coach Socials, Coach Games, Board Events, Festivals and Photo Days.
PICK UP GAMES - (Coming Soon) watch this space...